Saturday July 23, 2022: Dharma Talk on “Lay Entrustment in the Suzuki Roshi Lineage” by guest teacher Kōgen Seidō Jamie Howell. 2pm-3pm Eastern (Cloud Zendo). Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 607873

Kogen Seido Jamie Howell spent his formative years in Lubbock, Texas and Sao Paulo, Brazil. He came to San Francisco in 1967 with a rock band in which he played lead guitar. He married Heidi Dole Howell in 1970 and is the father of four children and the grandfather or three. After a successful career in music management, he spent thirty years in Real Estate.
He began his Zen study in 1979 when he sat his first sesshin at a Rinzai temple without ever having sat prior. He studied with Joshu Sasaki Roshi from 1979 to 1989. He began studying with Dairyū Michael Wenger in 1989. He received Jukai in 2000, was shuso (head student) at San Francisco Zen Center in 2005 and was given Lay Entrustment by Dairyū in 2011. He has sat sesshins at Mount Baldy Zen Center, San Francisco Zen Center, Green Gulch Farm and at the Zendo Brasil.
He currently lives in San Francisco with his wife, a daughter and an old black dog. He retired from formal Zen teaching in 2019 after being a practice instructor/leader at SFZC from 2011-2019.