Dharma Tea on Tuesdays at 2pm on March 22nd, 2021

Please join us for a cup of tea and dharma discussion today at 2pm EDT.

Use this link to join.    If asked for a password use 242898

Order of Practice

5 minutes of quiet tea drinking

Mike will open and lead todays discussion on using and writing gathas as a means to practice right where we walk.   A gatha is a verse recited (usually mentally, not aloud) in rhythm with the breath as part of mindfulness practice, either in daily life, or as part of meditation or meditative study

All present can unmute after the first five minutes and dialogue on the topic can be open

Conclusion at 2:45pm

Practice for March 21, 2021 6:30am EDT – Half Day Zazenkai

Sunday, March 21st, 2021 at 6:30am-12noon :   Half Day Zazenkai (meditation retreat)  in the cloud zendo.  Join the members of All Beings Zen Sangha for a morning of meditation and dharma study.  Zazen periods will be 30 minutes with 10 minute kinhin (walking meditation) periods.  Sensei Inryū will offer a Dharma Talk at 10:30am.

Use this link to join at anytime.  If you are asked for a password use 521583

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

If you cannot participate for the entire retreat good times to join are: 6:30, 9 & 10:30.  May All Beings Be Happy!

Half-Day Zazenkai Schedule

6:30 – 7:10:  Zazen
7:10 – 7:20:  Service
7:20 – 8:00:  Breakfast
8:00 – 9:00:  Exercise or Outdoor Walk
9:00 – 9:30:  Zazen
9:30 – 9:40:  Kinhin
9:40 – 10:10:  Zazen
10:10 – 10:30:  Break
10:30 – 11:00: Dharma Talk
11:00 – 11:30:  Zazen
11:30 – 11:40:  Kinhin
11:40 – 12:00:  Zazen
12noon Refuges

Saturday March 20, 2021 1pm EDT – Guest Speaker Author Barbara O’Brien

Saturday, March 20th, 2021 at 1-2:30pm :  Guest speaker, author Barbara O’Brien will answer questions about her book Circle of the Way; A Concise History of Zen from the Buddha to the Modern World

Use this link to join.  If you are asked for a password use 504410

Barbara Hoetsu O’Brien’s adventures in Zen began in 1988, when she first made a formal commitment to study with a Zen teacher, the late John Daido Loori of Zen Mountain Monastery, Mount Tremper, New York. In the years since she studied with other teachers in other Zen lineages, most notably the late Jion Susan Postal, who taught in New Rochelle, New York. Jion’s transmission lineage was from the San Francisco Zen Center. Over the years Barbara struggled with fitting Zen practice into a life of child-rearing and job-holding. Eventually, long after the children were grown, she chucked it all and lived in the Fire Lotus Zen Temple in Brooklyn, New York, for a time.

Along the way Barbara noticed that even senior Zen students have only vague ideas about how the school of Buddhism called Zen originated and developed. Further, these days the word Zen is tacked on to a variety of commercial products, from computer processors to soap, which suggests most people in the West still have no idea what Zen is, other than some exotic Asian thing. So, she committed herself to explaining Zen ― as much as explaining Zen is possible ― and explaining Buddhism as well.
Barbara has written about Buddhism for Tricycle, Lion’s Roar, and the Guardian Comment Is Free website. She gained a considerable following while serving as the resident expert on Buddhism for About.com from 2008 to 2016. The Circle of the Way is the fruit of years of research and direct experience that tells the story of Zen.

Barbara originally is from the Ozark Plateau region of southern Missouri, where she is currently riding out the epidemic. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and worked for many years in the book publishing industry.

Dharma Tea on Tuesdays at 2pm March 16th, 2021

Please join us for a cup of tea and discussion today at 2pm EST.  Use this link to join

If asked for a password use 242898

Order of Practice

5 minutes of quiet tea drinking

Alex will open and lead todays discussion with a focus on “Posture”.

All present can unmute after the first five minutes and dialogue on the topic can be open

Conclusion at 2:45pm

Guest Speaker for Saturday March 13, 2021 at 1pm EST – Tilde Carbia

Saturday, March 13th, 2021 at 1-2:30pm ET (12pm CT) :  Guest Speaker Tilde Carbia will speak about The Death Penalty and Zen” 

Use this link to join.  If you are asked for a password use 883001

One of the core precepts in Buddhism is to not kill or to refrain from taking a life. The death penalty in America is government-sanctioned killing under the guise of justice and is one of the starkest violations of this precept. It tarnishes our government and our justice system, and everyone touched by it is harmed. Beyond the obvious harm of the taking of a life, the death penalty exposes overlapping systemic failures to provide for the basic needs of all people. Join us for a talk on capital punishment and Zen for a personal look at the death penalty and its intersection with our Soto Zen practice.

Tilde Carbia is a capital defense attorney in Louisiana. She has been representing people on Louisiana’s death row since 2009 and has been part of legal teams for two clients whose cases were reversed by the Supreme Court of the United States and a third client whose death sentence was reversed by the Louisiana Supreme Court. Tilde is also a Zen practitioner and member of Mid City Zen in New Orleans.

Tuesday Dharma Tea at Two – 2pm EST

Please join us for a cup of tea and discussion today at 2pm EST.  Use this link to join

If asked for a password use 242898

Order of Practice

5 minutes of quiet tea drinking

Shōryū  will pose a question or topic for discussion

All present can unmute after the first five minutes and dialogue on the topic can be open

Conclusion at 2:45pm

Guest Speaker Rev. Choro Carla Antonaccio to offer a talk about “Zen Home Altars” Saturday March 6th, 2021 3pm EST

Saturday, March 6th, 2021 at 3-4:30pm EST   Guest Speaker Rev. Choro Carla Antonaccio will talk with us about  “Focusing Our Intention: Zen Home Altars”

Use this link to join .

If you are asked for a password use this 943447

Many practitioners are inspired to set up a place to sit in their homes and an altar to support their home practice. In Japan, such home altars (butsudan) also provide a place for family ancestors to be honored with memorial tablets and offerings. Creating an altar as a place to make offerings and set up images of a deity or ancestor is a very old ritual practice across the world, and evokes something deep in human beings.

This workshop will cover the basics of setting up an altar that functions as a location of devotion for Soto Zen practitioners. We will talk about how to create an altar that respects basic Soto Zen principles of order and design but meets the needs of our diverse society and practice. A home altar can reflect your sensibilities and allow for creativity while aligning with our traditions. Home altars can be sites of memory and of gratitude, too.

Bring your questions and share your practice!
Bio: Rev. Choro Carla Antonaccio began formal Zen practice at Chapel Hill Zen Center in 1999. She received lay precepts from her teacher, Rev. Josho Patricia Phelan, in 2001 and priest ordination in 2010. She was shuso in Chapel Hill in 2016. Rev. Choro has practiced at the three temples of San Francisco Zen Center including practice periods at Tassajara and Green Gulch Farm. In Chapel Hill she served for multiple years in the positions of Tenzo, Work Leader, and Ino and also served as member at large and president of the board of directors. She decided to end her career in academia in 2018 and moved to Austin, where she serves as Tanto (head of practice) in 2020.

Mountain Seat Ceremony for New Abbot at Berkeley Zen Center January 31, 2021 6pm EST

Our good friend in the Dharma Hozan Alan Senauke is being installed as Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center.  If you wish to join via the cloud it begins at 6pm EST tonight.  Below please find links provided by the Berkeley Zen Center.  If there is difficulty with any of the links please go directly to the BZC website to sign in or send congratulations to Hozan-san.

Shin San Shiki – Mountain Seat Ceremony for

Hozan Kushiki Alan Senauke
January 31, 2021, 3 pm PST    6PM EST

The ceremony will be live streamed in BZC’s Online Zendo

Meeting ID: 657 798 2914
Passcode: bzc

Your congratulations can be posted to our online board for Hozan Alan:


or sent by email to abbot@berkeleyzencenter.org