The Zen of Screens Part II with Shinren Mark Stone, Sunday May 13th 8-9:30am

We are just beginning to understand how our ever-growing use of screens (smartphones, computers, etc.) can impact our mind, body, and soul. How do we embody our screen experience? How does communicating via screen compare with a face-to-face meeting? Are there ways that screens can enhance our practice?

Shinren Mark Stone will lead a “hands-on” experiment on developing skillful use of screens for deeper connection and practice. Bring your favorite device!

2018 Events Posted

Just wanted to let everyone know that the events for our sangha for 2018 have been posted.  Of course, it’ll be updated regularly.  Find it here.

Be well, and stay warm,


Jan 4th Guest Speaker Venerable Charles Birx

Guest Speaker tonight following one period of zazen.  Co- Guiding Teacher for the New River Zen Community in Blacksburg VA, Venerable Charles Birx to speak on the topic of “The Work of Zen – Becoming a More Intimate Human Being”  Zazen starts at 7PM.

December 2017 Ceremonies

December 3rd,  2017 Jukai Ceremony.

 Receiving Jukai back row from left to right: Zenho Eric Jonas, Kodo Mitch Eaton, Busshin Matthew Wagner and Seido David Sarpal and front center:  preceptor Rev. Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger, Sensei

Many of the December 2017 Sesshin Participants

All Beings Zen Sangha Fall 2017 Shuso Myoshin Carlos Moura following his final ceremony



Fall 2017 Upcoming Events

December 3rd  Sunday 6pm begins Rohatsu Sesshin

Link here for schedule

December 3rd  Sunday 1pm Precepts Receiving Ceremony


(following Jundo and short period of zazen)

Naomi Knoble to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

December 1st  Friday 6:30am

(following Jundo and short period of zazen)

Naomi Knoble to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

November 30th  Thursday 7pm (following one period of zazen)

2017 ABZS Shuso Myoshin Carlos Moura to offer

Practice Period Talk on “Doing One Thing”

November 17th  Friday 6:30am

(following Jundo and short period of zazen)

Hoa Nguyen to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

November 10th  Friday 6:30am

(following Jundo and short period of zazen)

Geoff Hipschman to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

November 11th  Sensei Inryu leading the Zazenkai for One Heart Sangha in Silver Spring MD 

Location: Christ Congregational Church location

  • All Day Sitting: Monthly sittings occur one Saturday a month from 8:40 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (First bell 9:00 a.m.)   half day is permitted, let us know.
  • Suggested donation: $15, bring lunch, tea provided.
  • To register, send an e-mail to

November 12th Sensei Inryu leading One Day Zen Retreat for

All Beings Zen Sangha in Adams Morgan – all are welcome!

Location: All Beings Zen Sangha Adams Morgan

  • Full Day Zen Retreat:  6:30 a.m. early bird arrival/10am late joiners arrival ending at  5:00 p.m.
  • Suggested donation: $15- $30 (vegan Oryoki breakfast and lunch provided and afternoon tea)
  • RSVP to
  • Planning to attend thus far are:  Inryu, Eric, Hoa, David, Matthew, Myoshin, Ben, Geoff – Join us!

Fall 2017 Way Seeking Mind Talk’s in October

November 3rd Friday 6:30am (following Jundo and short period of zazen)

Robert Quinn to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

October 27th Friday 6:30am (following Jundo and short period of zazen)

ABZS Treasuer and Chidan Eric Jonas to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

October 19th  Thursday 7pm (following one period of zazen)

ABZS  Publishing Director John Flanagan to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

October 20th Friday 6:30am (following Jundo and short period of zazen)

ABZS Evening Service Doan David Sarpal to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

October 12th  Thursday 7pm (following one period of zazen)

2017 ABZS Shuso Myoshin Carlos Moura to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk

October 13th Friday 6:30am (following Jundo and short period of zazen)

2017 ABZS Benji (Shuso’s assistant) Ben Ourisman to offer

Way Seeking Mind Talk 

The Zen of Screens – a workshop September 24th, 8am-9:30am

Join us for this exploration of the way in which the time we spend looking and interacting with Screens (smartphones, computers, etc.) has an impact on body, mind and soul.

“Our growing use of screens (smartphones, computers, etc.) raises questions for each of us: What is our relationship with our screens? How do screens make us more and less connected?  How do they bear on our spiritual journey?

8am-9:30am                            Please RSVP:

Here is a basic outline of our upcoming event

Program for “The Zen of Screens”

  • Ten-minute meditation
  • Motivation for workshop—Surveys show that adults think they spend two hours of screen time per day, but they actually spend four hours. The dominance of screens in our life raises new questions: What is our relationship with your screens? How do screens make us more or less connected?  How do they bear on our spiritual journeys?
  • Discussion 1—Each participant can say a few words on screens in their life.
  • Exercise 1—Each participant spends 10 mindful minutes on their screen doing their most common activities, followed by a 10 minute body scan meditation. Discussion.
  • Discussion 2—Most folks feel they are too caught up in screens, and their posture and thinking reflect excessive use. What is it that explains our excessive use? Screens could be another way for us to avoid our discomfort and naturally leads to consideration of the four noble truths.
  • Discussion 3

o   Skillful screen use—Practical tips for how we use screens eg clean up apps, keep screen in different room…

o   Skillful screen time— Record your screen time; hide digital distractions; digital fasting.

  • Final discussion


Shinren Mark Stone will help us develop our awareness of the influence of screens on body, mind and soul. Bring your favorite device!”


Fall 2017 Book Club: The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti


The book we’ll be reading this fall is Robert A.F. Thurman’s translation of the Vimalakirti Sutra.  The discussions  will be at All Beings on October 14th and November 4th.

There a few different ways to get this text.

It exists at a few university libraries in the area, so if you happen to have borrowing privileges at AU, GW, GM, or UMD, by all means pick up a copy there.

It’s on Amazon for $24.

But then also, it’s free as a PDF.

Join us October 14th, 2017 8-9:30am to begin our dialogue around this text.  Feel welcome to bring other translations as well.   All are welcome.

The choice is yours!  Hope that helps.  Feel free to e-mail me, Sam Reggio if you’re having trouble finding a copy.  Thanks, and happy reading.