“Ho bo kore Dojo” in Japanese means, “Right where you walk is your practice place”. Zen practice is often associated with seated meditation. But what about the practice of walking meditation? What is the place of walking in attaining the Buddha Way? In his talk at All Beings Sangha, Daishin will share Dharma teachings on the importance of walking meditation for our practice.Daishin Eric McCabe is a Soto Zen Buddhist priest.
He teaches Buddhist philosophy, meditation, yoga, and calligraphy to people of all walks of life and spiritual paths. Daishin undertook a 15 year mentorship with Abbess Dai-En Bennage of Mount Equity Zendo, located in rural central Pennsylvania. During this time he trained at various Soto Zen Monasteries in Japan, France, California, and Nebraska. He is also a certified hatha Yoga teacher.