Weekly Sitting

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we have a forty minute period of zazen and a brief service from  6:30 am to 7:30 am.  If you cannot come in person please feel welcome to join us via Zoom.  You will find the link to zoom by going to the www.allbeingszen.org home page.

Thursday evenings we start at 7:00pm for a more formal service that includes zazen, kinhin, and chanting.  If you cannot come in person please feel welcome to join us via Zoom.  You will find the link to zoom by going to the www.allbeingszen.org home page.

First Monday of the month we also share an Oryoki Breakfast after the morning sit.    Please contact Shinren ahead of time so that we can have a head count. (suspended until Covid-19 protocols change).

All are welcome!

Photo by Sam Reggio
There are no fees for meditation sessions, workshops or retreats.

Dāna in the form of a monetary donation is gratefully accepted (Dāna is the practice of cultivating generosity or giving by making an offering) . Dāna can also be demonstrated through non-monetary support in the form of helping with one’s time and skills (speak to the resident priest about how you can support the sangha in this way).

All Beings Zen Sangha is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your monetary donation is tax deductible.