Guest Speaker Thursday July 19th, 2018
7pm – Marcia Lieberman
Following one period of zazen, Marcia will be offering a brief teaching on the practice of setting up and keeping a home altar as well as the art of flower arranging in the Zen tradition.
Suggested donation $5- $10
On July 21st , 2018 9am-12pm – Marcia Lieberman
Join us for the hands on workshop offered by Marcia on the care, form and history of home altars. To include the maintenance (chidening) and the art form of flower arranging.
Suggested donation $10-$30
Marcia Lieberman has practiced extensively at all three San Francisco Zen Center practice places over the past 30 years. She is an artist, teacher and author. Her third photographic book: The Botany of Zen Nature and Zen in the Temple Garden: A photographic inquiry of Ancient Plants, with Commentaries by Dogen Scholars, is forthcoming. During the summer months she travels to Suzuki Roshi Branching Streams Sanghas to support the Dharma teaching of temple forms and arts and their place in everyday Zen practice.
Please RSVP for both events by email: inryubobbi@gmail.com