In this turbulent moment, All Beings Zen Sangha seeks to create a place of refuge and open hearted practice for all who need it. During the shift from physical gathering to meeting in our cloud zendo, we have been deeply heartened by the presence of so many at our virtual services.
It is inspiring to witness our Sangha coming together to nurture our collective practice while also expressing the vow to save all beings by remaining physically apart.

Generosity is the practice of wholehearted giving and is the first paramita, a quality of mind of a Bodhisattva. To sustain our efforts, both now and beyond this crisis, we ask that you consider becoming a Friend of All Beings Zen Sangha through a monthly donation. Contributions provide a humble stipend for our guiding teacher, support our practice spaces at the urban zendo and at Woodburn Hill Farm, and cover other operational expenses. A regular contribution is particularly valuable because it provides a broad base of dependable support for the Sangha by increasing our financial resilience and enabling us to plan for future expenses with a clear picture of our projected revenues. Please find details for how to contribute below this email, which include the ability to donate electronically via Venmo or PayPal, and know that any amount is deeply appreciated.
As the Dharma is a precious gift entrusted to us by countless generations of practitioners, it is always offered at ABZS freely to everyone without exception for the benefit of all beings. We ask that you donate only if you feel comfortable doing so at this time, and place your circumstances first when deciding whether to contribute.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to join us for our services, you are always welcome. Our Sangha’s events page contains our service schedule and details on how to participate via Zoom. If time allows, we hope you will join us.
Yours in the Dharma.
Rev. Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger, Sensei,
& the All Beings Zen Sangha Board of Directors
Please find All Beings Zen Sangha Donation Page information here:
Please direct questions regarding being a donor to: Zenho Eric Jonas