Tuesday Dharma Tea at Two pm for February 1, 2022. Use this link to join. If asked use this password 784873

Randy Shingler will lead a discussion about Black History, which is really American History. Randy published an article entitled “I lived Southern Racial Integration” on Medium.com. Please take a few minutes to read the article here. Randy will share other experience’s following the period described in the article for the Tuesday Dharma Tea. He will then lead a discussion on the topic during this first day of Black History Month.
Randy Shingler is long time Washingtonian and was senior leader in the DC business community until 2015 when he turned his energies to writing. His work can be found on www.medium.com
Born and then educated through his university years in the state of Georgia. Randy became active in civil rights and anti-war efforts both in Georgia and later when he moved to Washington DC often finding fellowship and refuge in the Presbyterian and Catholic circles who aligned with these struggles.
The faint beginnings toward practicing meditation and an interest in Buddhism began in 1996 when he purchased a book titled Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh. This led to a solo meditation practice until learning about and joining the Vipassana meetings led by Tara Brach. In 2017 he began reading and studying more about Zen and joined All Beings Zen Sangha.