Dear DC Metro All Beings Zen Sangha,
One of our members as been accepted to and is participating in the Tassajara Zen Mountain Center Work Practice Period. She requests support from the sangha to find a temporary home for her beloved feline. See below.
Inryū Sensei
Hello dear sangha,I am currently in need of a volunteer to care for a sweet black cat named Ginny, for a duration of 3 months to one year and possibly longer. She is extremely affectionate! Ginny enjoys curling up on warm laps and hearts, purring, and being vocal.There have not been any incidents of scratching furniture or other materials including skin. She will be 10 in November and has been with me for almost all of those years.If you are interested in meeting and potentially fostering Ginny, please contact Beth McClain (bethcmcclain@gmail.com), who is currently acting as cat grandmother while i am a summer student in Tassajara Zen Center. Kitty is currently living in northern virginia. I miss her very much and hope someone from All Beings will be able to give her all the love and attention that i cannot offer right now. Beth and i will be happy to support with transportation and other logistics.
Yours in community,grace mcclain
grace mcclain, MPH, they/she