Saturday December 3, 2022 – Jukai Ceremony for four members of the Sangha at WHF. In person only

Sunday December 4, 2022 – Thursday December 8, 2022 (Rohatsu Observation Week) In person and online
for those dropping in for Sesshin – good entry points are before blocks of Zazen begin or during Kinhin periods. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 833340

6:30 – 7:10 Zazen
7:10- 7:30 Morning Service
7:30-8:45 Breakfast Morning Break/Dharma Study
8:45- 9:45 Morning Walk or indoor exercise
9:45- 10:15 Zazen
10:15- 11:00 Dharma Talk
11:00-11:30 Zazen
11:30-11:40 Kinhin
11:40- 12:15 Zazen
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-1:45 Outdoor Kinhin/or Dharma Study
1:45-2:00 Break
2:00-2:30 Work Practice
2:30-3:15 Tea with Discussion
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30- 3:45 Kinhin
3:45-4:15 Zazen
4:15-4:25 Kinhin
4:25-4:50 Zazen
4:50 – 5:00 Service
5:00 – 6:20 Dinner Evening Break
6:20 – 6:50 Zazen
6:50 – Kinhin
7:00 – 7: 10 Service///// Thursday alternate schedule to include Shosan Ceremony, Benji Poem and 108 recitations of “the” heart sutra.
7:10-7:40 Zazen
7:40-7:45 Kinhin
7:45-8:15 Zazen
8:15 Purification Chant /Refuges in Pali