Join us via Zoom at 9 am for the Zazenkai. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 047316

All Beings Zen Sangha Zen Meditation Retreat Schedule 9am-4:30pm
9:00am Practice Period Leader does the Jundo (opening of the zendo for practicer)
Robe Chant (lead by Kokyo)
9:05am 40 minute period of Zazen
9:45am Kinhin (slow walking meditation)
9:55am 30 minute period of Zazen
10:25am Kinhin (slow walking meditation)
10:35am 30 minutes period of Zazen
11:05am Inryū Sensei offers meditation instructions/ Oryoki instruction
12:00pm Lunch Break – Self Serve Oryoki from Zendo Kitchen
1:00pm Work Practice /Zen Sewing
2:00pm Tea and Cookies/Dharma Discussion
3:10pm Kinhin (slow walking meditation)
3:20pm 40 minute period of Zazen/Zen Sewing
4:00pm 30 minute period of Zazen
4:30pm Refuges in Pali/Closing of retreat