Evening Practice for March 20, 2025 7 pm Eastern

Here is the Zoom link to join in the cloud zendo, password if needed: 522050

Tonight we will have a short service followed by one period of Zazen with an interval of Kinhin (5 minutes of slow walking in between) and then our monthly Wellbeing Ceremony. We will conclude by chanting the refuges in Pali.

Please feel welcome to stay on zoom if you are able to share greetings with the sangha.

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Order of Service

Greeting by the Kokyo

Evening Bell Chant

Harmony of Difference and Equality

25 Minute Zazen Period

5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)

Our monthly Wellbeing Ceremony

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo

Loving Kindness Meditation (call and response)

Refuges in Pali