Zazenkai for February 23, 2025 10-4 Eastern

All Beings Zen Sangha Zen Meditation Retreat Schedule    10am-4pm. In person and online. To join via zoom use this link. If asked for a password use 338529

10:00 Welcome and explanation of the Jundo and then people will begin the first period of Zazen

10:10am Robe Chant (lead by Kokyo) 40 minute peirod of Zazen

10:50am End of Zazen – beginning of Work Practice

Work Practice leader will assign tasks

12:00pm End of Work Practice/return to Zendo for Lunch

12:15am Oryoki instruction

12:30pm Lunch –Formal Oryoki

1:30pm Lunch clean up/break

1:40pm Outdoor walk (weather permiting) or Dharma study

2:15 Tea and Cookies/Dharma Discussion

3:10pm Kinhin (slow walking meditation)

3:20pm 30 minute period of Zazen

3:50pm Closing Chant 

4:00 End of Zazenkai