Thursday June 21st, 2018 7pm Zen Practice and Screen Use led by Shinren Mark Stone (for this talk we will allow a NPR Reporter to join the sangha)

Following our regular service and one period of zazen, Shinren Mark Stone will lead a discussion and experiment on our experience with screens (smartphones, computers, etc.) and zen practice. In two recent workshops, sangha members have delved into their screen use practice to examine: How do we embody our screen experience? How does communicating via screen compare with a face-to-face meeting? Are there ways that screens can enhance our practice?  The practice will include a “hands-on” exercise related to this topic.   Please bring the electronic device that you use more frequently for this evenings practice.

7pm  Evening Service

7:10  Zazen

7:40  Brief Intermission

7:45  Screen use and zen

NOTE  there will be an NPR reporter present for the June 21st practice. NPR has expressed interest in working with All Beings Zen Sangha on a story on the Zen approach to screen use. The reporter may make an audio record ing of the sounds of the service and likely wish to interview sangha members who are open to speaking on the topic. Please direct questions to Shinren (