“Being Time” meet the author Nov 13, 2021 online zendo

Rev. Shinshu Roberts author Being-Time will join the sangha via zoom, 2 – 3:00pm.

Shinshu Roberts

Rev. Shinshu Roberts is co-founder and teacher, with Rev. Daijaku Kinst, of Ocean Gate Zen Center in Capitola, CA. She is a Dharma heir of Sojun Weitsman Roshi, in the Soto Zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki. Shinshu Sensei also holds the appointment of International Dharma Teacher in the Japan. Use this link to join If asked for a password use 775064

Morning Practice for November 12, 2021 6:30am

Here is the like to join us via Zoom at 6:30am for morning zazen practice.

Way Seeking Mind talk by Grace McClain following a short period of Zazen at 6:30am.



If you are asked for a password use this  471305

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Click below to see the order of service and chants.

Continue reading “Morning Practice for November 12, 2021 6:30am”

Evening Practice for November 11, 2021 7pm

Here is the link to join us via the cloud zendo at 7PM on Thursday October 14th  for the All Beings Zen Sangha evening program.  Tonight we will have short service in Spanish followed by two periods of  Zazen.   We will close by  chanting the Refuges in Pali.  If you would like stay after refuges and do a welcome and check-in please do.

If you are asked for a password please use this  641260

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Order of Service

Greeting by the Kokyo

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo

Heart Sutra in Spanish

25 Minute Zazen Period

5 minute Kinhin (slow walking) or stretch

25 Minute Zazen Period

Cuatro Votos Four Great Vows

Refuges in Pali

Post service check in (please feel welcome to stay or depart as your schedule requires)

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo

KAN ZEON                




BUP PO SO  EN            






Sutra del Corazón de la Perfecta Sabiduríaaaāāā

⨀ Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva

a través de la práctica profunda de Prajna Paramita ⨀

Claramente vio que los cinco agregados son vacío y gracias a esta comprensión liberó todo el sufrimiento.

Sariputra la forma no es diferente del vacío,

vacío no es diferente de la forma.

La forma en sí misma es vacío,

vacío en sí mismo es forma.

Las sensaciones, percepciones, formaciones mentales

y la conciencia son igualmente vacío.

Sariputra todos los fenómenos son vacío.

No aparecen ni desaparecen,

no son puros ni impuros,

no crecen ni disminuyen.

Debido al vacío no hay forma ni sensación,

ni percepción, ni formación mental, ni conciencia;

Ni ojos, ni oídos, ni nariz, ni lengua, ni cuerpo, ni mente;

Ni vista, ni sonido, ni olor, ni gusto, ni tacto, ni objetos mentales;

ni ámbitos sensoriales ni ámbito de la conciencia.

No hay ignorancia ni extinción de la ignorancia

ni vejez y muerte ni extinción de la vejez y de la muerte

ni sufrimiento ni causa ni liberación

ni vía que conduzca a la liberación del sufrimiento

ni conocimiento ni obtención.

Sin nada que obtener, el bodhisattva confía en

Prajna Paramita ⨀ y así la mente está libre de obstáculos.

Sin obstáculos no hay miedo.

Alejado de las visiones erróneas se realiza el Nirvana.

Todos los budas del pasado, presente y futuro confían

en Prajna Paramita ⨀ por lo cual obtienen el perfecto, completo, insuperable despertar.

Por lo tanto, Prajna Paramita ⨀ es el mantra resplandeciente,

el mantra milagroso, el supremo mantra, el mantra incomparable, aquel que extingue todo sufrimiento y es verdadero, no falso.

Proclamamos el mantra Prajna Paramita que dice:


El cuerpo de Buddha impregna todos los mundos del Dharma, se manifiesta en todas partes ante todos los seres. Ya hemos recitado el Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo y El Sutra del Corazón de la Perfecta Sabiduría, con reverencia ofrecemos los méritos generados por esta practica a: ✪

Nuestro Gran Maestro Original de la Enseñanza, el Buda Shakyamuni ✪

Nuestro primer ancestro en China, Gran Maestro Bodhidharma; ✪

Nuestro primer ancestro en Japón, Gran Maestro Eihei Dogen; ✪

Nuestro primer ancestro en las Americas, Shogaku Shunryu Suzuki ✪

Nuestro primer Maestro Guia, Dairyu Michael Wenger ✪

Y todos los ancestros femeninos a travesa de la historia cuyos nombres se se han olvidado o dejados sin decir. ✪

Ofrecemos el merito de nuestra practica a George Floyd, Gianna Floyd, Philonise Floyd y a toda la familia Floyd y todos aquellos que sufren a diario por los efectos del racismo sistemico y la violencia en nuestra sociedad. ✪

Tambien ofrecemos el merito de nuestra practica a todos aquellos sufriendo por los efectos de la pandemia del Coronavirus ✪

Que con todos los seres nos libremos del sufrimiento y disfrutemos de la felicidad.

Que nuestros votos sinceros para lograr el Camino del Buda se realicen plenamente juntos. ➚➘➞ ✪

Todos los Budas, diez direcciones, tres tiempos ✪

Honrados, Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas ✪

Sabiduría tras el saber ✪.. …

Maha Prajna Paramita ✪ ✪ ✪

Cuatro Votos (Four Great Vows)

Los seres son innumerables,

hago el voto de liberarlos a todos.

Las obstrucciones mentales son inagotables,

hago el voto de acabarlas todas.

Las puertas del Dharma son ilimitadas,

hago el voto de entrar por todas.

La Vía del Buddha es insuperable,

hago el voto de realizarla.

Refuges in Pali (Call and Response)

Accapella, inflections as follows:

➞Buddham Saranam Ga➚cha➘mi➞iii










Morning Practice for November 5, 2021 6:30

Here is the link to join us via Zoom at 6:30am for morning practice. Lucy Turner will offer a Way Seeking Mind talk following a short period of zazen.


If you are asked for a password use this 471305

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Click below to see the order of service and chants.

Continue reading “Morning Practice for November 5, 2021 6:30”

Dharma Tea at Two on Nov 2, 2021 2-2:45pm

Tuesday, November 2: Dharma tea at 2pm led by Alex Langlinais.  Use this link to join.  If asked for a password use 897614 

Alex and his cat
Alex and Sierra

For our tea discussion today, I thought it would be fun to talk about the music that inspires us to practice or that captures something about the dharma.  Although Buddhism has a rich musical tradition (see below), we don’t always talk expressly about music as a vehicle for awakening.  So I’m curious to hear what tracks occupy that space for you.  In advance of the tea, please think of one or two songs that you associate with practice or turn to for inspiration.  You should feel welcome to share during discussion or just drop your faves into the chat box.  Afterwards, I’ll assemble a playlist for the sangha with our picks!     Music gets incorporated into the tradition in so many ways.  Just to name a few:

  • Of course, there is our Soto Zen chanting.  Check out Deshimaru Roshi’s iconic rendition of the Heart Sutra to get your blood pumping or Rev. Taihaku Priest’s touching instructions on the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo.
  • From the Pure Land tradition, there’s the venerable and deeply peaceful practice of nembutsu chanting (most commonly in the form of “namo amituofo” or “namu amida butsu”).  Two great versions can be found here and here.
  • From the Nichiren tradition, there’s the powerful Daimoku, reverent chanting of the name of the Lotus Sutra (“nam myoho renge kyo”).  You might have seen that the incomparable Tina Turner has many Daimoku tracks.
  • On the instrumental side, there’s the introspective and (to me) heartbreaking practice of Honkyoku using the Shakuhaci flute.  Here’s a wonderful concerto by Alejandro Vazquez, a good friend of Shoryu’s who passed away last year.  
  • There’s also the high energy and communal practice of Taiko drumming.  Here’s a recording of a group connected to the Ekoji Temple in Fairfax Station, VA.

And then there’s the ocean of pop music.  I’ll offer up Elvis Costello’s “Peace, Love, and Understanding” as an example, which reminds me that bodhicitta/way-seeking mind is a kind of throwing down the gauntlet on the side of, well, peace, love, and understanding!  From the video, you can also see just how far music videos have come since the early days.     Take a listen if you have a chance today.  I’ll play some of these to get us started, but more looking forward to hearing about the role music plays in your practice!     🙏 Alex

Morning Practice for Nov 1, 2021 6:30 am Eastern

Here is the link to join us via Zoom at 6:30am for morning zazen practice.

If you are asked for a password use this 813097

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Click below to see the order of service and chants.

Continue reading “Morning Practice for Nov 1, 2021 6:30 am Eastern”

Thursday Evening Practice for October 28, 2021 7pm Eastern

Please use this link to join.  If asked use this password 118879 .

Thursday, October 28: Dharma talk “Ask the Stone Lantern” about how Dharma pervades all things by Rev. Konin Cardenas, Sensei,  in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.    Konin Sensei is also known as Ayya Dhammadīpā, as she became a fully ordained bhikkhuni in the Theravada tradition in recent years.      She writes that “Her shift to the Theravada tradition is a natural extension of her longtime metta practice and study of the Pali suttas”.  . In addition to English, Ayya teaches in Spanish, an expression of her Latin heritage. She is a trained interfaith chaplain, and has provided spiritual care in both hospital and hospice settings. Ayya Dhammadīpā is mother to a lovely adult daughter, and enjoys watercolor painting and sewing.

The Thursday practice will begin with 30 minutes of zazen, followed by Rev. Konin’s Dharma Talk.  We will conclude with chanting the refuges in Pali and have a brief check in for those schedules allow them to remain after the service

Please use this link to join.  If asked use this password 118879 .