In light of the recent availability of vaccinations and increasingly relaxed public health restrictions, this document is intended to offer guidance for how to safely transition the Sangha to indoor in person zazen at our urban Zendo and our un-urban indoor sitting spaces at Woodburn Hill Farm.
General thoughts on the risks of in person zazen for our Sangha:
A strain could spread that some of currently available vaccines only have limited ability to prevent illness from.
The sangha will have to monitor the situation and be prepared (if necessary) to re-close the zendo in the event that the vaccines lose efficacy against new strains of the virus. As such, this document should be updated and re-circulated to the board to review the decision to open to in person zazen as new CDC guidance becomes available.
Answers to logistical questions
How will we verify that zendo visitors are vaccinated?
Inryu will ask visitors to affirm in writing that they have been fully vaccinated, symptom free for at least two weeks, and indicate they have not knowingly been in contact with people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. There will be a chart at the front entry for people to initial this affirmation.
Should practitioners. be asked to wear masks?
We recommend mask use for the first month of zendo reopening, and re-evaluating this policy every 6 weeks.
How far apart should Zafus be spaced?
Six feet apart to minimize risk of transmission.
What number of people can attend?
No more than 10 people total indoor zendo spaces at any time, as currently stipulated by DC/MD regulations for indoor gatherings in condominiums or cooperatives.
Should kinhin take place?
Yes, with everybody making their best effort to remain six feet apart.
Should chanting take place?
We recommend that only the Kokyo (chant leader) or the Doshi (Inryu Sensei) chant on behalf of those present given the increased risk of transmission brought about by singing/chanting.
How can we ensure the space remains sanitized?
We recommend placing hand sanitizer at the entrance to the zendo and encouraging all who enter to make use of it.
In addition, to limit the number of hands making contact with zafus and zabutons, we recommend that they remain in place rather than being stacked and stored. Only the Doanryo should handle instruments to ensure that they are in contact with as few hands as possible.
If more want to attend than the limit, how do we decide who gets to join?
We will encourage those interested in attending in person to contact the Tenken, and monitor the response rate to ensure that we do not reach a situation where a greater number is seeking to attend than the zendo can hold.
Should sangha members be allowed to eat or drink in the zendo?
Not for the time being as these activities require removing one’s mask.
What should a Sangha member do if they feel unwell or have knowingly had recent contact with someone who is symptomatic/has confirmed Covid?
That person should stay at home and join via Zoom (ABZS Cloud Zendo)..
When should we allow in person zazen to resume?:
Inryū Sensei had her second vaccine on Sunday May 24th, 2021. She recommends that we could allow in person zazen beginning on Monday June 7, 2021.
***guidelines are set up by the ABZS Board of Directors and will be reviewed every 6 weeks and updated***