Dharma Tea on Tuesdays Today at Two pm EDT

  • Tea and discussion— Tuesday 2:00 pm Tea and Dharma discussion lead by our resident priest Inryū on the topic of “Remember through memorialization and ritual”  How does it help?  How does it support healing?

Use this link to join

If asked for password use this 826408

Evening Practice for May 20, 2021 7pm EDT

Here is the link to join us via the cloud zendo at 7PM , 2020   for the All Beings Zen Sangha evening program.  Tonight we will have a period of zazen followed by a wellbeing ceremony.    We will close by  chanting the Refuges.

If you are asked for a password please use this  118879

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.


Order of Service

Greeting by the Kokyo in  English

30 Minute Zazen Period

Four Great Vows

Enmei 9 times

The Loving Kindness Sutra 

Dedication of Merit

All Buddhas Chant

Refuges in Pali


Beings are numberless; I vow to save them.

Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them.

Dharma Gates are boundless; I vow to enter them.

Buddha’s way is unsurpassable; I vow to become it.

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo











Loving Kindness Meditation

This is what should be accomplished by the one who is wise,

Who seeks the good and has obtained peace:

Let one be strenuous, upright and sincere,

WIthout pride, easily contented and joyous.

Let one not be submerged by the things of the world.

Let one not take upon one’s self the burden of riches.

Let one’s senses be controlled.

Let one be wise, but not puffed up: and

Let one not desire great possessions even for one’s family.

Let one do nothing that is mean or that the wise would reprove

May all beings be happy.

May they be joyous and live in safety.

All living beings, whether weak or strong,

In high or middle or low realms of existence,

Small or great, visible or invisible,

Near or far, born or to be born,

May all beings be happy.

Let no one deceive another, nor despise any being in any state;

Let none by anger or hatred wish harm to another.

Even as a mother at the risk of her life

Watches over and protects her only child,

So with a boundless mind should one cherish all living things,

Suffusing love over the entire world,

Above, below and all around without limit;

So let one cultivate an infinite good will toward the whole world.

Standing or walking, sitting or lying down,

During all one’s waking hours

Let one practice the way with gratitude.

Not holding to fixed views,

Endowed with insight,

Freed from sense appetites,

One who achieves the way

Will be freed from the duality of birth and death.

All Buddhas

All Buddhas, ten directions, Three times

All Honored Ones, Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas

Wisdom beyond wisdom

Maha Prajna Paramita


Refuges in Pali (Call and Response)

Accapella, inflections as follows:

➞Buddham Saranam Ga➚cha➘mi➞iii










Tuesday Dharma Tea Today at 2pm EDT

Hello All,

ABZS is hosting our weekly Tea and Discussion at 2pm today EDT.
The topic will be “Speaking your truth even when your voice shakes”.
2 – 2:45 pm EDT
Hope to see you,
Inryū Sensei
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This coming Saturday May 22nd 12-3 pm EDT – Branching Streams online conference

Branching Streams Flow On in the Dark online Conference,

May 22, 2021, 12 noon – 3 pm EDT 

Register Here!

Welcoming words, Tova & MC Inryu Ponce-Barger, All Beings Zen, Washington DC

Tova Green, Branching Streams liaison, speaks on “Branching Streams Flow On in the Dark”

Introductory breakout groups

Video of Nature Images compiled by Teresa Bouza, Kannon Do Zen Center, CA

Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, Abbot of Houston Zen Center, speaks on “The Climate of Our Time”

Topical breakout groups:

“Climate Chaos: How does it feel? What will we do?” facilitated by Eden Kevin Heffernan, Richmond Zen Center, VA

“The Sacred Work of RacialJustice” facilitated by Joan Amaral, Zen Center North Shore, MA

“Transitioning to Hybrid Zendo Offerings” facilitated by Jon Voss of Mid-City Zen, LA

Ceremony: Looking Back and Looking Forward with Douglas Floyd, Ancient Dragon Zen Gate, Chicago, IL; Michael Shinmon Newton, MountainRain Zen Sangha, Vancouver, BC; and Reirin Gumbel, Milwaukee ZC, WI.


Afternoon Tea and Dharma Discussion on May 11, 2021 2pm EDT

Discussion Topic for Tuesday Tea at Two on May 11, 2021 2PM EDT – Death Poems.   

It is not unusual in contemplative spiritual practices for people to compose a death poem.    These are often a gift to those left behind and very often a window into the wisdom and compassion derived from contemplated old age, sickness and death.  Today we will look at two classic death poems for different eras as well as other related poetry as our topic.  Please feel welcome to join us for a rich discussion.

Join with this link    If asked for a password use this 983841

Death poem of Zen Master Keizan (considered the second Japanese Soto Zen Lineage).

“This peaceful rice-field that one has cultivated by oneself, however often one has gone to sell or buy (rice) is as a virgin land.  Young sprouts and spiritual seeds, infinitely, ripen and shed (their leaves).  Ascending the Dharma Hall, I see men holding a hoe in their hands.”  Then throwing away his brush, Keizan passed away.

Keizan —1325

Here is Abbot Myogen Steve Stucky’s “death poem (March 6, 1946 – December 31, 2013),” which was on the altar in the room where is body was laid out.

This human body truly is the entire cosmos
Each breath of mine, is equally one of yours, my darling
This tender abiding in “my” life
Is the fierce glowing fire of inner earth
Linking with all pre-phenomena
Flashing to the distant horizon
From “right here now” to “just this”
Now the horizon itself
Drops away—

Myogen ——12/27/13

The discussion will be lead by All Beings Zen Sangha

Guiding Teacher Rev. Inryū Poncē-Barger, Sensei.

All Are Welcome

Dharma Study Tea and Discussion at 2pm EDT May 4, 2021

Please join us for a cup of tea and dharma discussion today at 2pm EDT in our cloud zendo.

Use this link to join.    If asked for a password use  003961

Today the discussion will be lead by our Guiding Teacher Inryū Poncé-Barger, Sensei  on the topic of “Hearing the Bell, sound and practice”.  Together we can explore what sounds tune us into being in the present moment.


2pm  – *5 Minutes of silently drinking tea together begins the gathering*

Conclusion at 2:45pm


Dharma Tea at Two pm EDT Today , Tuesday April 27th, 2021 – Lead by Inryū Poncé-Barger, Sensei

Please join us for a cup of tea and dharma discussion today at 2pm EDT.

Use this link to join.    If asked for a password use  003961

Today the discussion will be lead by our Guiding Teacher Inryū Poncé-Barger, Sensei  on the topic of “Taking care of the body as a gate of practice”.  Together we can explore questions around what are healthy practices and what challenges arise in caring for the physical body

2pm  – *5 Minutes of silently drinking tea together begins the gathering*

Conclusion at 2:45pm


Image is from the Fall 2016 Practice Period at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center and taken by Inryū Sensei when she was the men’s bath house attendant during that Practice Period.

To listen to Inryū Sensei’s talk from last Thursday April 22, 2021 on the related topic of “Taking care of the body as a Dharma gate of Practice: personal intimacy with all things” you can use the below link.

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: d90e@9zA

Dharma Tea on Tuesday at 2pm for April 6, 2021 EDT

Please join us for a cup of tea and dharma discussion today at 2pm EDT.

Use this link to join.    If asked for a password use  003961

Today the discussion will be lead by the Most Recent Former Shuso Shōryū Chris Leader on the topic of “intensity of feeling during Zazen”.

2pm  – *5 Minutes of silently drinking tea together begins the gathering*

Conclusion at 2:45pm


Dharma Tea on Tuesdays at Two pm EDT – All are welcome

Please join us for a cup of tea and dharma discussion today at 2pm EDT.

Use this link to join.    If asked for a password use  003961

Guest Teacher Kotatsu John Bailes  will open and lead todays discussion.

Kotatsu John Bailes is the Founder and President of One Heart Zen, the Buddhist Chaplain at Wellesley College in Wellesley Massachusetts, and the Guiding Teacher of the Monmouth Zen Circle in Monmouth, NJ. He trained at the San Francisco Zen Center from 1972 through 1984 and received full Dharma Transmission from Zoketsu Norman Fischer.

All present can unmute after the first five minutes and dialogue on the topic can be open

Conclusion at 2:45pm