Invitation to Fall Ango (Practice Period) from our Benji – Zen’etsu Clay Crowell

Rise and shine, Sangha Family –

I hope this email finds you well this cool mid September morning.  

As Benji, I will be the middle-man to help you connect with Sangha, answer questions about the Fall schedule, and arrange times for you to meet with Inryū Sensei and Seiryū Paula! Inryū Sensei will be accepting Dokusan meetings all Ango, which gives the opportunity to have private one-on-one conversations with our Dharma teacher.  Also, as Seiryū will be our head student, it is also customary and encouraged to meet and schedule a casual sit-down tea with her. These meetings with our Guiding Teacher and Shuso, I find, can help us enter the stream of practice that is reciprocal in nourishment — a way to build relationship and also inquire about our Zen Practice / Practice Period Theme: Sandokai-The Harmony of Difference and Sameness.  

September 15th is approaching us this coming Sunday, which will commence the beginning of our Fall Ango!
Seiryū Paula Chiplis will serve as the 2024 Fall Practice Period Ango’s Shuso (Head Student) and I, Zen’etsu,
will be her Benji (Shuso’s assistant / coordinator).  So!  Here I am coordinating this practice period full of wonderful happenings that I am so excited to share with you all.  

As you may know from past Ango’s, we will also start to have Way Seeking Mind Talks on Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings (after a shorter period of zazen), as well as Tuesday Tea Talks at 2pm

Way Seeking Mind talks can be also understood as Way ‘Finding’ Talks!  These are talks where we get to speak about how/when our experiences in our lives ~woke us up~, and how we found our Zen practice way-back-when or maybe even within this year. 

Tuesday Dharma Tea Talks are a bit more casual and can also be creative!  On Tuesday’s, we convene on zoom to hear the speaker of the week present a Buddhist-related topic that interests them.  You would provide a 20 minute presentation on the topic and allow another 20 minutes for open discussion.   Super interesting, but also grounding to have tea in the afternoon with Sangha.

To give you a little more outlook on this 3-month journey, this Ango will include a 7 Day Sesshin (meditation retreat) in December 1-8 for Rohatsu Observance, Dharma Movie Nights, Full and Half Day Zazenkais (day retreats) in our Urban Zendo, guest speakers throughout the Ango, and more — full schedule on the website!  Check the web site regularly for schedule updates.

I would kindly like you to consider a time throughout these 3 months (September 15-December 21) to do a Way Seeking Mind Talk and also a Tuesday-Tea-Talk!  Please email me at zenjoyclay@gmail or text/call me at 501-289-0897 so that I can put it on our schedule.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to everyone in this Sangha, as each year we all co-create this feeling of wholeness in these 3-months of “calm-abiding.” Thank you to our teacher, Inryū Sensei, for guiding us into these seasonal transitions with wisdom and ease.  I look forward to yet again taking the backward step inward, along with the creatures of this land .. taking refuge in this dedicated time.

If your space allows, please join in entering this Fall Practice Period with our Shuso Entering Ceremony this coming Sunday 9/15 at 2pm EST in person and online.  Join with this link.

Virtual hugs and bows to you all. Zen-etsu

Evening Practice for September 5, 2024 7pm Eastern

Here is the Zoom link to join in the cloud zendo, password if needed: 522050

Tonight we will have a short service followed by two periods of Zazen with an interval of Kinhin (5 minutes of slow walking in between). We will have our monthly pass the feather sharing and conclude by chanting the refuges in Pali. Please feel welcome to stay on zoom if you are able to share greetings with the sangha.

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Order of Service (text available at highlighted links)

Greeting by the Kokyo

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo

Heart Sutra in English

25 Minute Zazen Period

5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)

25 Minute Zazen Period

Four Great Vows

Pass the feather

Refuges in Pali

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Evening Practice for August 29, 2024 7pm Eastern

Here is the Zoom link to join in the cloud zendo, password if needed: 522050

Tonight we will have a short service followed by one period of Zazen an interval of Kinhin (5 minutes of slow walking) and a Dharma Talk by our Guiding Teacher Inryū Sensei. We will conclude by chanting the refuges in Pali. Please feel welcome to stay on zoom if you are able to share greetings with the sangha.

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Order of Service (text available at highlighted links)

Greeting by the Kokyo

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo

Harmony of Difference and Equality

25 Minute Zazen Period

5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)

Dharma Talk offered by Inryū Sensei

Four Great Vows

Refuges in Pali

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Evening Practice for August 22, 2024 7pm Eastern

Here is the Zoom link to join in the cloud zendo, password if needed: 522050

Tonight we will have a short service followed by two periods of Zazen with an interval of Kinhin (5 minutes of slow walking in between). We will have our monthly pass the feather sharing and conclude by chanting the refuges in Pali. Please feel welcome to stay on zoom if you are able to share greetings with the sangha.

Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.

Order of Service (text available at highlighted links)

Greeting by the Kokyo

Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo

Heart Sutra in English

25 Minute Zazen Period

5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)

25 Minute Zazen Period

Four Great Vows

Refuges in Pali

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Relaunching Zen Movie Nights

Friday, August 16, 2024 – 7pm    ABZS re-launched having Dharma Movie Nights.  Eight people came in person to view and discuss a  documentary about famous Painter and Translator Kay Tanahashi . See below for a short video about the film.

“Painting Peace: The Art of Kazuaki Tanahashi,” is a film about the artist, calligrapher, translator, and peace activist known as Kaz Tanahashi. Featuring exchanges with Sojun Mel Weitsman Roshi, Dairyu Michael Wenger Roshi, and Kaz himself, among many others, this exquisitely-filmed, and seldom-seen Dutch documentary opens a window into the life of a key figure in the dialogue between Asian and European cultures. 

Here is the link to a short youtube video about the film

Our next film viewing will be: Perfect Days on October 4, 2024

Call for Artists for the 2025 ABZS Art Calendar

All Beings Zen Sangha is announcing a call to artists for the 2025 Sangha calendar project.
Submissions are now being accepted for drawings, paintings, photography, poetry, brief writings, and other forms in digital format.

Please submit up to three works for consideration via e-mail to Rev. Inryū Sensei at and to John Flanagan at

Visit us at:

Sumi painting by Dairyū Michael Wenger Roshi

2024 Sangha Week at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

July 9-14 2024 All Beings Zen Sangha at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Photo by Richard Urban – 2024 ABZS Sangha Week participants at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Photo by Richard Urban – All Beings Zen Sangha and Enso Village Sangha week participants outside the zendo of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center on Sunday July 14th, 2024

New Dharma Book Club First Meeting July 1, 2024 7pm Eastern

Monday, July 1, 2024 7pm-8pm. Planning meeting for NEW Dharma Book Club –

Starting this summer interested membersof the All Beings Zen Sangha are warmly welcome to join sangha member Shoku Doshin in a new dharma book club. If you are interested please reach out to Shoku (Cristina) on email at

Our objective is to provide a semi-casual space for Dharma book discussion. We will focus on books or essays written for lay audiences, mostly focusing on books with an explicit Buddhist perspective but with an openness to non-Buddhist books with nonetheless rich themes for exploration — the dharma is everywhere! 

The current thinking is to meet monthly online, in coordination with Inryǔ Sensei as there may be months where the sangha has a different dharma study focus for Ango or through our library and vast Branching Streams network. 
If you are interested please reach out to Shoku (Cristina) on email at

We are asking for as many participants as are interested and also a few volunteers to help ensure the book club continues steadily if other parts of life require the attention the organizers.

Let’s gather on zoom on Monday July 1st at 7pm to decide upon guidelines for participation and to select books for August and September. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 606657