President John Flanagan 6/10/24 – 6/9/27 1st term
Vice- President Smith Augustin Jr. 5/7/24 – 5/6/27 2nd term
Treasurer Daii Brian Hires 9/24 – 9/27 1st term
Secretary Seiryū Paula Chiplis 6/10/24 – 6/9/27 1st term
At large Shōryū Christopher Leader 5/27/24-10/24/26 2nd term
At large Zen’etsu Clay Crowell 6/10/24-6/10/26 1st term
Rev. Inryū Poncē-Barger, Sensei In perpetuity Head Priest & Sangha Spiritual Director. Most recent report to the BOD here.
All Beings Zen Sangha is a Washington DC Metropolitan based Soto Zen community founded in 2004. We practice Soto Zen in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi who established the San Francisco Zen Center in the early 1960s. Under the guidance of Spiritual director and resident priest, Sensei Inryū Ponce-Barger, the urban practice located in the Adams Morgan neighborhood offers regular Zen meditation sittings (zazen), Dharma talks, services, sesshin retreats, and hosts practice discussion groups online and in person. Other offerings include retreats in rural locations in Southern MD and Blue Ridge VA and events at members’ homes. Sangha activities are in accordance with traditional 16 Buddhist precepts that emphasize living in harmony with all beings and respectful acceptance of others.