The All Beings Zen Sangha welcomes and affirms all who come here to seek the Way, and who will work toward respectful acceptance of others across our many differences, harmonizing the one and the many. May all beings be happy!
Please join us via Zoom at 6:30am for morning practice. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 179561
Today we will have a brief period of zazen followed by a talk by Seidō David Sarpal.
Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.
ABZS keeps an attendance of participation at sangha events. This is done for the welfare of our members and for guidance in future programing.
Tonight we will have a short service that includes chanting the Heart Sutra in English. Followed by one period of Zazen and a Way Seeking Mind Talk by Junji Rui Sun.. Will we close with chanting the refuges. You are welcome to stay online following the chanting of the refuges to share greetings with the sangha.
Here is the link to join us via the cloud zendo at 7PM for the All Beings Zen Sangha evening program.
If you are asked for a password please use this 794038
Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.
Order of Service
Greeting by the Kokyo
Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo
Heart Sutra in English
All Buddhas Chant
25 Minute Zazen Period
5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)
Way Seeking Mind Talk
Four Great Vows
Refuges in Pali
Beings are numberless; I vow to save them.
Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them.
Dharma Gates are boundless; I vow to enter them.
Buddha’s way is unsurpassable; I vow to become it.
Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo
Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva,
when deeply practicing prajña paramita,⨀
clearly saw that all five aggregates are empty
and thus relieved all suffering.
form does not differ from emptiness,
emptiness does not differ from form.
Form itself is emptiness,
emptiness itself form.
Sensations, perceptions, formations,
and consciousness are also like this.
all dharmas are marked by emptiness;
they neither arise nor cease,
are neither defiled nor pure,
neither increase nor decrease.
Therefore, given emptiness, there is
no form, no sensation, no perception,
no formation no consciousness;
no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue,
no body, no mind;
no sight, no sound, no smell, no taste,
no touch, no object of mind;
no realm of sight… no realm of mind consciousness
There is neither ignorance nor extinction of ignorance…
neither old age and death,
nor extinction of old age and death;
no suffering, no cause, no cessation, no path;
no knowledge and no attainment.
With nothing to attain,
a bodhisattva relies on prajña paramita,⨀
and thus the mind is without hindrance.
Without hindrance, there is no fear.
Far beyond all inverted views, one realizes nirvana.
All buddhas of past, present, and future
rely on prajña paramita ⨀ and thereby attain
unsurpassed, complete, perfect enlightenment.
Therefore, know the prajña paramita ⨀ as
the great miraculous mantra,
the great bright mantra,
the supreme mantra,
the incomparable mantra,
which removes all suffering
and is true, not false.
Therefore we proclaim the prajña paramita ⨀ mantra,
Saturday March 25th, 2023 – 2 PM Dharma book discussion “Dogen’s Instructions to the Cook” 2 of 2
Cloud Zendo only. To Join use this link. If asked for a password use 633557
Instructions for the Cook (Tenzo kyôkun) . Don’t have the book? No problem you can find a pdf of the main text by clicking here or here.
By the monk Dôgen
of the Kannon Dôri Kôshô Hôrin Zen Monastery Cf. Nothing is Hidden: Essays on Zen Master Dogen’s Instructions for the CookTr. Griffith Foulk, Edited by Jisho Warner, Shohaku Okumura, John McRae and Taigen Dan Leighton. Weatherhill Inc., 2001
Tonight we will have a short service that includes chanting the Heart Sutra in Chinese. Following by two periods of Zazen with an interval of Kinhin (slow walking) in between.. Will we close with chanting the refuges. You are welcome to stay online following the chanting of the refuges to share greetings with the sangha.
Here is the link to join us via the cloud zendo at 7PM for the All Beings Zen Sangha evening program.
If you are asked for a password please use this 794038
Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.
Order of Service
Greeting by the Kokyo
Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo
Heart Sutra in Chinese
All Buddhas Chant
25 Minute Zazen Period
5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)
25 Minutes Zazen Period
Four Great Vows
Refuges in Pali
Beings are numberless; I vow to save them.
Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them.
Dharma Gates are boundless; I vow to enter them.
Buddha’s way is unsurpassable; I vow to become it.
Tuesday March 21st, 2023 – 2PM Dharma Tea by Shinren Mark Stone “Dogen’s Original Face”. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 629543. Online only. You can also sign in by going to the home page.
Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the presentation – Please keep your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.
*ABZS does keep an attendance of participation in sangha events* this is done for the welfare of its members and for guidance in future programing
Yuko Okumura is an accomplished okesa and rakusu sewing teacher, lifelong Soto Zen lay practitioner, and devoted lover of strawberries. A native of Japan, Yuko attended her first zazen retreat at age 16 and graduated from Komazawa University where she studied Buddhism. Yuko has served in the role of tenzo at temples in Japan (Zenjoji, Shorinji) and the US (Sanshinji). Her love of strawberries has led to the creation of La Fraise Do’r clothing and is discussed in a short documentary ‘Strawberries Will Save The World’ by her daughter, film director Yoko Okumura. Yuko lives with her husband of 40 years, Shohaku Okumura, in Bloomington, Indiana, where they founded Sanshin Zen Community/Sanshinji in 2003.
In case it’s tricky to hyperlink the “Strawberries will save the world”, the link is here:
Tuesday March 14th, 2023 – 2PM Dharma Tea led by Esho Beth Milligan on the ” 18th century Japanese artist Ito Jakuchu and his Colorful Realm of Living Beings, a set of 30 nature paintings plus a Buddha Triptych” (these were exhibited at The National Gallery in DC in the spring of 2012). Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 629543
Join us via Zoom at 7pm for evening service and zazen. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 794038
Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.
ABZS keeps an attendance of participation at sangha events. This is done for the welfare of our members and for guidance in future programing.
Click below to see the order of service and chants.
Saturday March 4th, 2023 – Full Day Zazenkai at Urban Zendo (lunch provided). Guest Speaker Barbara Wenger will join us for 2pm tea and discussion about her experience as Tenzo at SFZC. In person and online. Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 027306
All Beings Zen Sangha Zen Meditation Retreat Schedule 9am-4:30pm
9:00am Practice Period Leader does the Jundo (opening of the zendo for practicer)
Tonight we will have a short service followed by two periods of Zazen with an interval of Kinhin (5 minutes of slow walking in between). We will have our monthly pass the feather sharing and conclude by chanting the refuges in Pali. Please feel welcome to stay on zoom if you are able to share greetings with the sangha. .
Here is the link to join us via the cloud zendo at 7PM for the All Beings Zen Sangha evening program.
If you are asked for a password please use this 794038
Please put your zoom in gallery mode, and keep your video link on while muting your mic until the end of the service – Feel welcome to face away from your device camera while keeping your presence visible in the frame for others in attendance to see and know you are there. Please refrain from moving your device around while others are sitting zazen with you.
Order of Service
Greeting by the Kokyo
Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo
Heart Sutra in English
25 Minute Zazen Period
5 minutes of Kinhin (slow walking)
25 Minute Zazen Period
Four Great Vows
Refuges in Pali
Brief Check in and announcements
Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo
Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva,
when deeply practicing prajña paramita,
clearly saw that all five aggregates are empty
and thus relieved all suffering.
form does not differ from emptiness,
emptiness does not differ from form.
Form itself is emptiness,
emptiness itself form.
Sensations, perceptions, formations,
and consciousness are also like this.
all dharmas are marked by emptiness;
they neither arise nor cease,
are neither defiled nor pure,
neither increase nor decrease.
Therefore, given emptiness, there is
no form, no sensation, no perception,
no formation no consciousness;
no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue,
no body, no mind;
no sight, no sound, no smell, no taste,
no touch, no object of mind;
no realm of sight… no realm of mind consciousness
There is neither ignorance nor extinction of ignorance…
neither old age and death,
nor extinction of old age and death;
no suffering, no cause, no cessation, no path;
no knowledge and no attainment.
With nothing to attain,
a bodhisattva relies on prajña paramita,
and thus the mind is without hindrance.
Without hindrance, there is no fear.
Far beyond all inverted views, one realizes nirvana.
All buddhas of past, present, and future
rely on prajña paramita and thereby attain
unsurpassed, complete, perfect enlightenment.
Therefore, know the prajña paramita ⨀ as
the great miraculous mantra,
the great bright mantra,
the supreme mantra,
the incomparable mantra,
which removes all suffering
and is true, not false.
Therefore we proclaim the prajña paramita mantra,
the mantra that says:
“Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.”
All Buddhas
All Buddhas, ten directions, Three times
All Honored Ones, Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas
Wisdom beyond wisdom
Maha Prajna Paramita
Beings are numberless; I vow to save them.
Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them.
Dharma Gates are boundless; I vow to enter them.
Buddha’s way is unsurpassable; I vow to become it.