Our resident priest Rev. Inryu officiated for a recent outdoor wedding in Arlington VA. We set up a simple Altar on a small table.
As part of the ceremony those in attendance were asked to close their eyes and take a moment to bring full attention to the current moment. Feeling their bodies, the air around them, the sounds in the environment and to observe their breathing. We then shared a moment of silence to settle into the beauty the moment and place.
The couple vowed to take refuge in Awakening, Truth and Community.
The vowed to support and cherish life, to live generously with an open heart, to remain faithful in relationship, to communicate honestly and simply, to treat all beings and each other with dignity and respect, to work for the benefit of others, to be humble, to not hand on to grudges or angered and to awaken to their connection to all life.
Rev. Inryu has been the official celebrant for weddings in Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and Washington DC. She is a registered officiant with the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The photos above are from Phyllis Petronello Photography