Rev. Wakoh Shannon Hickey offering a talk on the topic of Buddhism and Sexuality – Thursday October 15, 2015
Rev. Wakoh Shannon Hickey offering a talk on the topic of Buddhism and Sexuality – Thursday October 15, 2015
She asks that you bring your questions so that we may have an engaging dialogue on the subject of Buddhism’s historical attitudes towards sexuality and gender.
Wakoh received Shukke Tokudo (lay ordination) from Sojun Mel Weitsman at Berkeley Zen Center in 1987. She was ordained a priest of Sōtō Zen in 2003 by Rev. Gengo Akiba, former bishop (Sokan) of Sōtō Zen in North America, and abbot of Zenshuji Sōtō Zen Mission in Los Angeles. Wakoh completed her Head Monk training (Shuso Hossen-shiki) at Kojin-an n 2010. Rev. Wakoh is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU); and the Buddhist Campus Minister for Johns Hopkins University. She is also a Certified Leader of InterPlay®, a group creative practice involving improvisational movement, story-telling, music-making, and stillness.
Canceled – Dairyu Michael Wenger Roshi to visit All Beings Sangha September 10th – 14th, 2015
Dairyu was suddenly unable to travel due to illness. We will hope to reschedule with him for Spring 2016.
Dairyu Michael Wenger Roshi (All Beings Zen Sangha’s guiding teacher) trained and practiced for many years at the San Francisco Zen Center and received Dharma Transmission from Sojun Mel Weitsman. He is now Guiding Teacher of Dragon’s Leap Meditation Center where he emphasizes zazen, brush painting and Dharma classes. Courage, compassion and creativity are his touchstones.
Thursday September 10th – Dairyu to offer a Dharma Talk on Dogen’s GenjoKoan 7pm – Adams Morgan
Friday September 11th – Morning Zazen and Dokusan with Dairyu, Service 6:30am – Adams Morgan
Saturday September 12th – Day Retreat at Woodburn Hill Farm with Dairyu focusing on Dogen’s GenjoKoan and offering Dokusan, carpooling from the city at 8:15am. – Mechanicsville MD
Monday – September
14th – Morning Zazen and Dokusan with Dairyu, Service 6:30am, with breakfast “out” in the neighborhood following the morning program – Adams Morgan
Please email Inryu at to register for any or all of these opportunities to study the “way of zen” with Dairyu.
Dokusan – is a one to one interview with the teacher. It is a rare and valuable opportunity to have a senior zen teacher with us offering his time and support. Everyone is welcome to avail themselves of the Sangha gatherings and one-on-one interviews with while Dairyu is here. Please join us…..
Film “States of Grace” – August 18th, 2015
August 18th at 7PM – BloomScreen and All Beings Zen present an inspiring new documentary… States of Grace
States of Grace (2014, 74 min), by Helen Cohen and Mark Lipman – After surviving a near-fatal head-on collision on the Golden Gate Bridge, a revered physician struggles to come to terms with her injuries and discover new meaning in her radically altered life. Her longtime partner cares for her and their disabled teenage daughter as the family embarks on a journey of loss, resilience, and renewal. (
The screening will be followed by audience discussion and Q&A with Rev. Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger, a Soto Zen Buddhist Priest.
*Suggested Donation: $10. Proceeds support both BloomBars and the work of All Beings Zen Sangha, a Zen Buddhist Community in Washington DC and Maryland. Free organic popcorn.
BloomScreen is located at: 3222 11th Street NW, Washington DC 20010
If you are on Facebook you can RSVP via this link:
or RSVP via email to Inryu at
On Zazen Being Hard

Zazen is just sitting there on a cushion, so it’s really easy. Until you try to do it for more than 30 seconds. Then it can get kinda difficult. I have been sitting for a few years now, and I still remember when 5 minutes felt like a long, painful time to be sitting still.
If you’re having a hard time sitting for long periods of time, like the 30 or 40 minute sits we do at All Beings, try doing zazen at home. Do it for 5 or 10 minutes, once or twice a day. 30 or 40 minutes doesn’t feel so long for a few of us, but to beginners, it can feel like an eternity.
If you find yourself thinking the whole time, that doesn’t really mean you’re doing it wrong, and that you’re bad at zazen, and that you should stop. It actually means you’re doing it right, because you’ve just noticed that you’re thinking a lot, that your mind wanders. I believe the idea is to, when you notice, try to bring your mind back to a still point, ‘thinking non-thinking’ as it’s said. This’ll probably last about 10 seconds, and that’s ok. Just keep trying.
We call it practice for a reason. If someone handed you a violin and said ‘play this’, you’d be bad at first. It’s the same with anything, and certainly with zazen. The more you do it, the ‘better’ at it you get. Also – it’s not necessarily supposed to be ‘enjoyable’, though it can be.
But yeah, sit for shorter periods more often, and talk to Bobbi about posture, which is really important for your physical well being. —Sam Reggio
July 26th, 2015 – Zen Retreat with the Cicadas
Full Day Zen Retreat All Beings Zen Sangha
Sunday July 26, 2015
Join us for a day of Dharma study, zazen/sitting, walking and oryoki meals at the height of summer. Early birds begin at 6:30 and late joiners at 8am. We will conclude the day with refuges by 5pm. – The day will include work practice, Dharma Talk, multiple periods of zazen and two meals eating Oryoki style. Please R.S.V.P by email to
Note: From 8-9:30am we will include our monthly dharma study. The topic this month is Dogen’s Genjokoan.
Call for Artists
Call to Artists! All Beings Zen Sangha is announcing a call to artists for the 2016 Sangha calendar project. Drawings, paintings, photography, poetry, brief writings, and other forms are now being considered. Please submit up to three works by July 30, 2015, either in person or via e-mail to
Background: Zen has a long history of embracing and inspiring art. Following in this tradition, All Beings Zen Sangha is proud to display member’s work in calendars, web sites, and other media. Founded by a small group of dedicated Zen students in 2004, All Beings Zen Sangha serves as a warm space for the Zen Dharma practice in Washington DC. Visit us on the web at:
Rev. Inryu to offer Dharma talk on June 6th, 2015 at Ka Shin Zendo, Takoma Park MD
Rev. Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger (ShinChi InRyu – Body Wisdom, Hidden Dragon), will be offering a Talk on the topic of “Freedom” on Saturday June 6th, 2015 at Ka Shin Zendo in Takoma Park, MD.
Rev. Inryu is a Soto Buddhist Priest in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (founder of the San Francisco Zen Center She is the resident priest for the All Beings Zen Sangha in Washington DC
Ka Shin Zendo is located in the Library of the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, 310 Tulip Avenue, Takoma Park MD 20912
The Saturday Practice will begin with Zazen starting at 8:30am. And the morning program is usually completed by 11:00am.
Jisan Tova Green with All Beings Zen Sangha on Sunday May 24th, 2015
Speakers at All Beings Zen Sangha in May 2015
Monday May 18th, 2015 7pm Guest Teacher
Way.” – Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Sensei Steve Weintraub will explore this quote by Suzuki Roshi for his Dharma Talk on Monday May 18th, 2015 7pm. Sensei was ordained as a Soto Zen priest in 1973, has been teaching Buddhism at San Francisco Zen Center for over 30 years, and received Dharma transmission in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi in 1993, from Sojun Mel Weitsman. Steve has a psychotherapy practice in San Francisco and Mill Valley, and works as a therapist in the context of contemporary analytic depth psychology.