FINAL SUNDAY PROGRAM for Dragons Leap Temple on Sunday September 17, 2023 6pm Pacific time

Another Great Leap

Dear Friends,

This Sunday will be the final Sunday Program offered by Dragons Leap. For 12 years, Dragons leap has provided a wonderful place to practice, and now it is time for another great leap!

We will sit zazen at 6:00 pm followed by a talk with Dairyū Michael Wenger at 6:30 pm. To join us via Zoom please follow this LINK or use the Meeting ID: 876 4768 9043. If requested, the password is 176924.

There will be time to share your thoughts and memories as part of tomorrow’s program. If you you wish to share something, please do!

Our Ino, Richard Urban, is leaving for Tassajara next week. Ten thousand thank yous to Richard for keeping the Zendo open for these many years and best wishes at the monastery. There will be no more morning Zazen at Dragons Leap.

Thank you all so much for your generous practice. This sangha has always shown me exactly where I am.

May our work and friendships continue!

A very deep bow,

Ryūgin Kyle Getschow, President of the Board for Dragons Leap Temple

P.S. The past couple of days, we have been packing up the Zendo and the Dragon’s library for transport to their new home, the upcoming Dragons Leap/Dairyū Michael Wenger Library in Washington D.C. Thank you very much to Inryū Poncé-Barger and All Beings Zen Sangha for creating such a special place for us all to enjoy.